I enjoy helping you become better acquainted with what’s involved in either creating a new website or enhancing your existing one. There are numerous resources available to you whether you are a beginner or experienced with creating a website. Below is a list of some I highly recommend.
Web Standards
The Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
Creating An Effective Website
The University of Washington provides a free course curriculum on web design and development that integrates accessibility into lessons on design and site planning, HTML coding, cascading style sheets, JavaScript, and web authoring tools. The Web Style Guide is one of the basic resources used in the course and can be accessed here.
Designing With Color
Gain insights from the article titled An Introduction to Color Theory for Web Designers about the use of color and how colors impact a design via envato.
Web Design Tutorials
Access free online tutorials or sign-up for tuition based classes through coursera to gain invaluable training/insights on how to build your own website.
All Things Photoshop
Become a member of kelbyone previously known as The National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) to gain invaluable training and insights on how to make your website’s images come to life.
Professional Association for Web Designers
Since 1997, WebProfessionals.org aka World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) has been helping aspiring and practicing web professionals and those who teach. Access the site to find valuable resources.
Information Curation
You can curate current articles daily that are relevant to your small business through scoop.it. They are written by industry professionals. By storing them in one place, you can have easy access to meaningful information at your fingers tips when you want it.
WordPress Tutorials
WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners. It’s main goal is “To provide cutting-edge helpful WordPress tutorials that are easy to for small businesses, bloggers, and non-techy WordPress website owners.”
A Developer’s Insights
SiteBuilderReport’s How to Make A Website: The Definitive Guide can help small businesses, entrepreneurs, and various other individuals learn how to create a high quality website. The thirteen part guide teaches everything an individual needs to know to make a visually appealing and functionally useful website. The guide delves into choosing a website builder, managing pages, finding stock photos, as well as basic SEO optimization.